It was about time of the month where the son of God dined with the church. Wine and unleavened bread were abundant for the poor, disciples and prostitutes. He stretched his hands and sprinkled proverbs and parables on the feast to confuse the multitude. I saw it from afar and burst out with laughter. The crowd was amazed by his presence and enlightenment. So easily his words went overboard, so easily his words went beyond the knowledge of Peter and John. I saw it from afar and burst out with humor, for I was not among the multitudes dining with him, for I was not among the servants serving fish and unleavened bread. I was on the other side of the table, watching from afar. I was the thirteen member of a twelve seated table. I walked to and fro, serving the outlaws and outcasts. I knew eleven disciples on the table but for the twelfth member, I knew him not. He is the leader of the "Moab", dressed in a black gown with six pink and one black girdle around his waist. Each six girdles has names on it but the seventh one is unknown. He laughed out with rage and uttered, "neither three created me, for I will fly with broken wings to deceive the multitude". His words sent a shock through many of his disciples. I was confused, my plan for the feast was to dine and have orgy with strippers but not to listen to parables. Neither of them spoke common words, for parables and mockery did i find here. Torn between worlds, understood none of them, confused, lost, and no where to find refuge. I heard a voice, not one but two. It came out simultaneously and I turned around and behold, i saw two giants, one with glazed eyes like an eagle, hair like white wool, dressed in a white gown with a golden girdle around his waist and looks like a slayed lamb and for the other, he is the leader of the Moab, dressed in a black gown with six pink and one black girdle around his waist. Each six girdles has names on it but the seventh one is unknown. They uttered their names and it came out simultaneously. I heard "Luci and Messiah". I could not decipher both based on their names, for appearances could be deceiving. My brain started splitting, none spoke common words and all I heard were parables and mockery.
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